In the midst of economic conditions that could not be predicted that, still according to the study, the approach required a more flexible technology in addition to his business approach. The results of this study can not be taken lightly, because it is done by interviewing 150 of 400 business executives and technology experts. The survey is only done to the company that owns more than 500 employees, in some countries in the Americas, Europe, Middle East and Asia Pacific.
Under conditions that are unexpected, 69 percent of companies surveyed believe that if they return to the old approach in planning for business growth, will be missed than those who were able to use technology effectively. That's why as much as 62 percent of the company leaders agreed to regularly make rapid changes to their technology.
Cin Cin, Enterprise Storage Server Network channels and SMB Director, HP Indonesia, said the selection of appropriate technology are considered important to determine a company's business growth. Like the fact that there is now, the company's IT staff spent 70 percent of his time to perform maintenance operations and IT infrastructure. The rest or 30 percent, only used for business innovation.
"This happens because the number of servers scattered and not consolidated, long the server, or because they have a business process is not flexible," said Cyn Cyn, in a discussion to discuss the results of these studies, in Jakarta, some time ago.
Hewlett-Packard (HP) is concerned with the study. Computer vendors, software and information technology infrastructure is sponsoring the study Coleman Parks. Based on that study, HP introduced the Converged Infrastructure Indonesia in Indonesia.
Converged Infrastructure architecture is a strategy or service that consolidates IT infrastructure devices owned company. This specialized service virtualization will make IT workers could be better coordinated with one another. For example a company with many branches in foreign countries, requires some data from representative office in Japan. "If infrastukturnya not coordinated, it takes longer to get that data."
With this service, companies can also find out how much the level of utilization of hardware they have. Previously, to find out which server is still low and utilisasinya which was already high, quite difficult. "With HP Converged Infrastructure, a company can find the server on which the branch can still optimized or added applications," he said.
There was the possibility, by adopting these services forward, the company only needs a multi-core servers are able to run three applications at once. "Rather than have three servers, each running an application," said Cin Cin. This certainly affects the company's operational efficiency.
Cin Cin claim Converged Infrastructure strategy that combines the company's IT infrastructure is owned only HP. This strategy is also not limited to one industry, but can be adopted in various fields of business, whether financial, manufacturing or retail. "These services focus on the future and innovation," he said. The goal, no other company to quickly adapt to the development of economic conditions that still

4 komentar:
Link exchange bro sekalian follow ya, aku tunggu balesannya, trims...
hi, care to x-change link with mine? :)...
i love Hp products
Now HP is very sophisticated products and quality
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