Jan 2, 2010

Google Will Create Interactive Game on YouTube

The purpose of this development is to attract more traffic and advertising on YouTube, Google plans to build an interactive game on the platform of their digital video service YouTube.

Recently, Google registering a patent called 'Web-Based System for Generation of InteractiveGames Based on Digital Videos' in the office of United States patent agency.

From the description recorded in the patent agency's site, Google is looking to create an interactive game that can be applied to videos posted on YouTube. That is, Google plans to expand the YouTube site into the gaming site.

Through a new patent application has been registered that, Google offers collaboration features for its users to make annotations or modifications to a video uploaded on YouTube.

In the end, the video annotations and modifications can be developed into many versions of the scene and diverse scenarios.

Site BNET describe the creation of this innovation as an open game that involves imagination, video cameras, and video editing software, to provide a reference time line video for the user.

As summarized by Alley Insider site, the purpose of this development is likely to attract more traffic and advertising, but Google plans to charge a subscription fee for users who want the Premium content.

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3 komentar:

Mamas Ipenk said...

keep post

Sohra Rusdi said...

more interesting in facebok

EgePe said...

Real smile walking...give me back your real :)...enjoyed.

Bleh ga bisa isi BUku Tamu...Ga ada kolom isiannya...apa gw ga ketemu ya...dah cari2x...mentok! ga ada !....:(

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