Toward the end of year holiday season, Google, Microsoft and Yahoo tried to attract internet users heart. How to offer free WiFi access in many areas.
Microsoft is the originator of this idea. Last September, the largest software manufacturer that began offering free WiFi service at various hotspots in the United States. Requirement is only one. Users must wear Bing to do a search on the internet, at least one time when he took advantage of the free WiFi.
Not yet clear where all these hotspots are Bing, but reportedly, the number of hotspots are in the thousands.
"The campaign was successful in the above average and Microsoft plan to continue this campaign," said spokesman JiWire, a mobile advertisement network in cooperation with Microsoft, the MediaPost, like VIVAnews quotation, November 11, 2009.
Google itself, which began promoting its services today, providing free WiFi in 47 airports in the United States. They work with Boingo Wireless.
This search engine giant also been providing free WiFi for all passengers Virgin America flights. As for the promotion they offered until January 15, 2010. In addition, users can also donate to charity as do sign in, and Google will issue the same donations collected from the user up to 250 thousand U.S. dollars.
Free WiFi version of Yahoo itself present in Times Square, New York City. Interestingly, the campaign took place from this day will be available for one year.

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