The reason? He must test the new shorts in berteknologi designed for astronauts. Trousers made in A-Wear this does not smell, antibakteri, can absorb cairan.Wakata, which is located in the outer for four half days, the experiment in the pants that he did not inform the colleagues who are fellow astronauts in the International Antariksa Station.
"I wear for a month." Astronauts, other astronauts chuckle to hear this statement. "Co-partners in the outer stations never complained, so I think this experiment goes well." Pabrik clothing in Japan, A-Wear, the new fabric technology to create shorts designed for astronauts. In addition to shorts, clothing that is made t-shirts, shorts, and socks. All tested during the flight to space.
Although Wakata feel successful, but success will be seen kepastikan after scientific testing. "We can know the results after the landing,"

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